Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 8/15/22

Year: 2022
Stock Farming and Treatment, Organic Agriculture
Agricultural Economics, Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Animal Feeding
Statistics, Zootechny, Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics
Enzymes, Industrial Biotechnology, Genetics, Animal Biotechnology, Animal Cell and Molecular Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Genetically Modified Animals

Palandöken Journal of Animal Science, Technology and Economics (Palandöken J. Anim. Sci. Tech. Econ.) is a national peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Atatürk University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science. The aim of the journal, which started its publication life in 2022, is to publish high-quality original research articles and well-prepared review articles on recent issues, to provide information sharing between scientists and researchers, and to provide free access to information resources for everyone with its open access policy. The Journal is published journal published twice a year, in February and July and the publication languages are Turkish and English.

Within the scope of the journal, priority is given to original research and review articles in the fields of Animal Science and Technology, as well as Livestock Economics.

Articles in the fields of; Animal Breeding and Improvement, Feeds and Animal Nutrition, Biometrics and Genetics, Beekeeping, Feed Technology, Feed Additives, Fishery, Animal Behaviors, Animal Welfare, Animal and Meadow-Pasture Relationship, Organization in Animal Husbandry, Smart Agricultural Practices in Livestock, Farm Tourism, Reproductive Biology and Control, Organic Livestock Production, Animal Biotechnology, Livestock Economy, Animal Health are published in this journal.


This journal accepts both Turkish and English articles. If the writing language of the article is Turkish, the English of the abstract, figure, and table names should also be provided. Similarly, Turkish abstracts of English articles should be written, as well. In addition, descriptions of tables and figures should be written in Turkish.
The authors are responsible for the compliance of the articles with the ethical rules. The similarity check report must be uploaded to the system by the author. References, Article Title, Table, and Figure names should be excluded. The similarity rate to other scientific publications should not exceed 25%. However, the editor reserves the right to request an ethics committee document from the authors when necessary.
The manuscripts should be written using the Microsoft Office Word program, the article text on the paper should be in A4 format in Cambria Math type letters (12 pt.) with 1.5 cm spacing and should not exceed 18 pages. 2.5 cm space should be left on the right, left, bottom, and top of the page.
The use of references in the article should be made according to APA.
SI (Systeme International d'Units) measurement units should be used in all articles. When abbreviations and symbols are used for the first time in the text, they should be explained. The title of the article should not contain abbreviations.
Formulas and equations should be numbered and their numbers should be shown in brackets aligned to the right next to the formula.
No fee is required from the authors to pay for accepted and published articles.
The publishing rights of the articles accepted for publication belong to the institution that publishes the journal. The opinions and suggestions in the articles are entirely the responsibility of the authors.
All authors of the article must sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form stating that they have given their publishing rights to the Palandöken Journal of Animal Science, Technology and Economics. All figures and tables in the article should be presented in their relevant places within the article.

You can use the template file prepared for the authors;

Rules Regarding Sections of the Manuscript

Cover Page

This page should contain the name of the article, the explicit names of the authors, the explicit addresses, the Orcid IDs, and the contact information of the corresponding author. The cover page should not exceed one page.

Article title

The First Letter of Each Word (Excluding Conjunctions) must be capitalized in the writing of The Turkish Title of the Study, the title should be written in 14 font sizes and with “Cambria Math” font.

Author Names

It should be written in "Cambria Math" font in 12 font sizes.

Author Information

It should be written in "Cambria Math" with a 10 font size.


The abstract should be written in “Cambria Math” font in 10 font size. In this section, the purpose of the study, the material (s) and method (s) used, the important findings and the conclusion (s) should be stated clearly and briefly. The text should be written in "Cambria Math" font, 10 pt, single line spacing, and in one paragraph according to the Turkish spelling rules. Please do not change the writing field borders in the right-left directions. The text to be added in this section should be between 220-250 words. If you want to submit your work in English; Provide the first title, summary, and keywords in English in this section and the Turkish title, summary, and keywords in the following section. Do not make changes in the parts containing author names and addresses and date information. When your work is published, the volume, issue, page number and date information will be updated by us. Do not make changes in these parts.


It should be written in "Cambria Math" font in 10 font sizes. Maximum 5 keywords that best describe your work should be added.


It should contain information that prepares the reader for the subject. Check that there is no space before and after the paragraph in the text, with the "Line and Paragraph Spacing" option, by seeing that the "Before" and "After" values in the "Spacing" section are zero (0) in the "Line Spacing Options" section. Add a space between the "Introduction" title and the text, and add the text by leaving a tab (1.25 cm) space at the beginning of each paragraph in the text under this heading.

Material and Methods

In this section, the number and date of the ethics committee approval document of the study for in vivo studies should be given.

Materials, objects, working areas, time and limitations to be worked on should be mentioned in the material section. All information related to the Table, figure and material, etc. should be included in this section.

Method, on the other hand, is the technique or techniques used to achieve the purpose of the research. If the method (s) used is/are new, it/they should be detailed in a clear and understandable way. If the method used is a known method, it is sufficient to give its name just by showing the source.

Material and method subtitle (optional)

In this section, if the information is given under the subtitle, the subtitle should be written in "Cambria Math" font, 12 pt., bold and italic. The first letter of the first word of the subtitle should be capitalized and the rest should be in lowercase letters. No spaces should be left after subheadings.

If there will be equations in the text of the work, they should be given in two cells in a single-row table with borders hidden. The equation must be added to the left cell and that cell must be centered. The right cell must contain the equation number and this cell must be right-aligned, just large enough to fit the equation number. There should be one line of space between the paragraphs before and after the equation statements.

Results and Discussion

The result and Discussion section could be written together or separately.

This section should include the findings obtained and should be supported by figures and tables. No reference should be given in this section. In addition, the causality of the findings obtained in the study should be discussed with the relevant scientific evidence. Reasons and findings should be interpreted in detail.

All photographs, pictures, drawings, and graphics other than the table should be given as "Figure". Pictures, figures, and graphics should be clear and suitable for the offset printing technique. Each table and figure should be cited in the text, figures and tables should be within the writing area. All tables and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the article (such as Table 1, Figure 1). Table and figure titles and explanations should be short and concise. Table and Figure titles in Turkish articles should be given in italics under Turkish titles.

In the numbering and description sections, the text should be written in "Cambria Math" font in 12 pt. There should be no space between the image and the description line. There should be one line space between the image and the previous and next paragraphs. The data in the image must be readable. If you want to present your work in English, please make sure to change the naming as "figure" for figure, graph, and pictures, and "map" for map.

They should have the same text properties as the table, figure, graph, and picture numbering. 6 nk space should be left before the figure headings and after the table headings. If the table and figure headings are more than one line, one line spacing should be written and set as hanging indent (2 cm). Table numbering and description; It should be at the top of the table, and there should be one blank line between the paragraphs before and after the table.

Vertical lines should not be used in the tables. The first and last horizontal lines used in the table should be 11/2 pt. thick, intermediate horizontal lines should be 1/2 pt. thick. The text in the table should be readable (8-12 font sizes can be used).


The findings obtained should not be repeated in this section. In addition, the contribution of the results obtained from the study to the literature, the deficiencies of the study, and suggestions may also be included.


In this section; The people, institutions, and organizations that contributed to the study are thanked.

Conflict of Interest

Whether there is a conflict of interest or not should be stated in this section.


In the citations in the text:

In studies with a single author: Duval (2020) or (Duval, 2020)
In studies with two authors: Duval and Lecorps (2014) or (Duval and Lecorps, 2014)
In studies with three or more authors: Duval et al. (2020) or (Duval et al., 2020)
When citing more than one study by the same author, references should be arranged as: Duval et al. (2020 and 2021), Duval et al. (2020a and 2021b).
Citations to multiple studies should be ordered chronologically: (Doe, 1999; Smith & Doe, 2001; Duval et al., 2020 and 2021).

The studies to be given in the references should be added in alphabetical order as given in the examples below;

Bayram B, Yanar M, Güler O, Metin J, 2007. Growth performance, health, and behavioral characteristics of Brown Swiss calves fed a limited amount of whole milk. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6(3): 273-279. (Full-text articles should be given in this way.)

AOAC, 2000. Official Methods of Analysis (17th Ed.). Maryland, USA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists. (Books with an unknown author should be given in this way.)

Kopuzlu S, Esenbuğa N, Önenç A, Macit M, Yanar M, Yüksel S, 2016. Influence of slaughter age and muscle types on meat quality traits of Eastern Anatolian Red bull. VI. International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Science, Aquaculture and Fisheries. Colombo, Brasil, 28-29 December 2016, p. 18. (Symposium papers should be given in this way.)

Çetin F, 2011. Feed additive distilled grains (DDGS). http://www.tepge.gov.tr/Dosyalar/Yayinlar/719e2ab765e04a0ebdd00839c3505b44.pdf Date of access: 16.06.2016. (Internet address resources should be given as such.)

Dumlu B, 2019. Effect of solİd state fermentatİon with whey on nutrient composition of pomegranate peel supplemented sunflower meal. Master Thesis. Ege University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 69 p. (Thesis should be given in this way.)

Kaymakçı M, 2013. Üreme Biyolojisi (6. edition). İzmir, Turkey: Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları. (Book sources should be given in this way.)

SPSS, 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows. Armonk, NY. (Software should be given in this way.)

Young OA, West J, 2001. Meat Color. In Hui YH, Nip WK, Rogers R (Eds.), Meat Science and Applications (pp. 39-71). New York, USA: CRC Press. (Book chapters should be given in this way.)

İnsan ve hayvanlar üzerinde yapılan tüm çalışmalarda etik kurul onayı aranmakta olup, bu onay makale metninin materyal ve yöntem bölümünde belirtilmeli ve yayın kurulu tarafından talep edildiği takdirde belgelendirilmelidir.

No fee is required from the authors to pay for accepted and published articles.